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Mary M.
I had been receiving massages on a regular basis from a dear friend of mine who recently moved to Colorado to be with her family. She recommended that I reach out to Mark Rebner for my continuing body care. So, I did.

Okay, I knew he was good if my friend recommended him, but I didn't realize how talented he is until I received my first massage. Wow. Hands down the BEST massage I have ever received! I don't have many words to even explain what it is that he does so well. It feels like magic to me.
He worked on everything I had told him about and felt amazing when he was done.
It was so good that I signed up for a regular monthly massage with him.

I have exuberantly recommended him to many friends and family recently too, and hope they follow through with seeing him.
What kind of massage does he do? Good question. He does Swedish, cranial sacral, sports massage, percussion, reflexology, shiatsu, and probably every other type.

By the way, Mark is also certified in hypnosis therapy. I haven't used him for that, but I feel like he is probably magic with that, as well.
Shirley G.
Works Intuitively Mark not only gives a healthy massage, he works intuitively—often detecting subtle muscle tensions that can later cause major problems. He’s a good listener, too! 🙂
Stuart Dorf

Simply put, I truly appreciate you Mark. You are a special and blessed healer.  I came to Mark for energy work in advance of one of the biggest days of my life, my son’s Bar Mitzvah. Mark, your work produced a sense of calm and clarity and help to set my mind at ease and in the incredible positivity unfolding in front of me.  So happy to be building a relationship with you; you have a client for life!

Brieanne Tanner
Mark is an expert in several holistic modalities, and he has a background in engineering and an MBA! Long story short: This guy has mad skills. He is very gentle in his approach and meets the client where they are at. He has knowledge of the human anatomy and chakra system and was willing to discuss how the Reiki was working instead of keeping it a secret. He offered me abundant resources to began self-study and answered my questions about the Reiki lineage: Usui and Takata. I would recommend Mark to anyone suffering from a physical ailment or not, to experience the power of Reiki and possibly discover what the underlying problem is if one is suffering from a physical ailment. He is a compassionate man who is very kind and objective. He offers Craniosacral therapy, Massage/Bodywork/ Reiki and he studies esoteric healing. I believe I read that he's been in the field for twenty years and I can see why. He's taught at Irene's and he's willing to teach and answer questions for spiritual seekers instead of merely taking people's money for transactional services. If I didn't have plans to move out of the area, I would see Mark again and learn more about the Reiki lineage. However, he has provided abundant resources and references and is the type of person that will answer questions and work with people to help them grow, rather than take the Expertise Ego route. Mark is a treasure to Michigan and has served and healed many lives, including my own.
Charise Colbert
Mark is great at what he does. The best way I can back up these words is that once when he was massaging the palm of my hand there was an area that was tender to the touch. Mark began to explain that this region was equated to the lung/chest area. He inquired if I was having issues in this area. At the time, I was getting over some congestion. He simply held his hand over this area for a short spell. When he massaged the palm area again…no tenderness. I like that Mark is knowledgeable in what he does, knows what questions to ask when he senses a problem when working, and goes a step further in giving you some practical ways to combat problem areas through activities or awareness.
Very impressed I'm getting such great effects from it, I will try to schedule one month out after this appointment. Very impressed, feeling better, and not as stressed.
Cedric McSween Sr.
Energy Healing Work Mark Rebner is one of the most gifted energy healing, and massage therapy professionals I've ever known. I see Mark for energy healing and massage because of his unique ability to assisting with the mind, body and spiritual connection. There is a great saying ... If you truly love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life and Mark lives that example. I've referred several of my friends, clients, and family members to Mark and I highly recommend him to anyone looking to feel totally relaxed and experience body healing at the highest level.  Mark is the real deal  Thanks Mark for being my friend along with my energy and massage work therapist.
Chris Foster
Mark Rebner of Real Energy & Body Works is the best!

Hands down (or hands on) he is one of the best massages you'll ever have! The atmosphere Mark provides is welcoming, calming and comfortable. On top of that, Mark just knows his stuff. 

After having many great massages by other massage therapists, I have to admit that I was very hesitant to try his services. After trying him for the first time a couple of months ago, I can tell you that he is awesome! His technique, bedside manner and “what not” is absolute perfection. You will not be disappointed.

Tonya A
I can sleep! I have been seeing Mark for massage and bodywork for several years. It had been several months since I had services done and finally made time to get back on his table. His massages are always just what I need. I had been struggling with very interrupted sleep patterns and after seeing Mark this week I am sleeping soundly for 7+ hours every night! The combination of massage and cranial sacral therapy has worked wonders on my stress levels and has allowed me to relax enough to sleep soundly. Thank you Mark!!!
Lynn E
AWESOME therapeutic massage I highly recommend Mark to anyone who wants to experience freedom from injury, sleeplessness, and/or live a happier and healthy life! I have been enjoying Mark's services for several years to get occasional massages. It wasn't until I had a ACL injury and subsequent foot injury that came to realize how amazing his skills truly are! With Mark's expertise I thankfully avoided surgery and sleep better at night. I receive monthly massages now and I feel like I am a happier and healthier me! Mark is highly professional, knowledgeable, conscientious, empathetic and compassionate. What I enjoy most about Mark's caring spirit is that each and every time I have a massage he takes the time to fully understand my concerns.
Massage Plus

I am so glad! And it really helped me to focus on unfocusing, and know that I can come for a massage-plus, (part energy work and part physical). I truly appreciate your abilities and integrity. Thank you for being a part of my HEALTH care team!

Dawn Leeny
Freelance Art Director/Senior Graphic Designer Mark Rebner is the energy worker and Massage Therapist I always return to. His knowledge of the human body’s energy systems, common sense, kindness, and professionalism set him apart. His energy work has helped me to make steps managing a personal loss. His massage is not only wonderful, it is energetically potent, and has a real healing effect. He is a real professional, and I feel completely safe in his hands. I can’t recommend him too highly.
Kathleen Moltz, M.D.
Time to Unwind I can not say enough great things about Mark Rebner, Real Energy & Body Works LLC. Mark is a wonderful person, well trained and knowledgable in a multitude of massage and energy work. He happens to be close to me, but I would drive a long way for my monthly massage!
Deborah Johnson
Case/Care Management Consultant, RN, CCM

Mark has the hands and expertise that I was looking for in a massage therapist. His ability to calm and heal the parts of the body that are in need is unsurpassed. He has a holistic approach and a commitment to heal. I highly recommend him to those looking for a master healer.

Energy Work I have been the recipient of many massages but Mark's healing touch and calming energy by far outweigh the rest. He exudes confidence and is extremely personable. His dedication to the holistic field of energy work shines and should be experienced by all.
Winnie Chrzanowski
Artist Tense, achy & sore - that's how I was feelin'
Until I went to Mark and got his magic healin'
No more tenseness, no more aches
Go see Mark, he's got what it takes
Zachary Ward, DC
As an upper cervical chiropractor, I have to take care of my body, while I take care of others. Cranial sacral work is a powerful healing tool that I receive on a regular basis with Mark. I trust his hands completely, and have experienced some profound muscular unwinding on his table, as I continue to heal through several car accidents. Anyone in his hands is in for a treat, especially if they stick with a regular bodywork routine.
Lindsey Z.
Mark is the real deal Hands down, one of the best massages you'll ever have! The atmosphere Mark provides is welcoming, calming and comfortable. On top of that, Mark just knows his stuff. Being a Massage Therapist myself, I'm very critical of other professionals in my field and I can tell you, Mark is the real deal. His technique is absolute perfection. You will not be disappointed.
Debra S.
I can walk without crutches
I injured my leg muscle moving dirt around in my garden. The next day I could hardly walk forward because of the pain down the side of my leg. I hobbled for the next two days until I could not put my foot down and had to use crutches to walk.  My nerve in my back was causing pain down my leg and into my heel so that I could not put any weight on my foot.
Mark gave me a therapeutic massage which relaxed my back and leg muscles therefore reducing the pain from the sciatic nerve. This massage  so helped my muscles relax that I no longer needed the crutches to walk.  The next morning I was working back in the garden!

Pastor Kevin Bruinsma
I am living almost a pain free life Mark Rebner has been treating me with massage therapy since January 2013 due to a horrible motorcycle accident that has caused 7 surgeries to occur in that time frame.  It is because of his loving care and professional skills, that I am living almost a pain free life.  He generally cares about the wellness of those he treats.  I get treated by him several times a month on injuries that include a femur that was shattered in 4 places, a broken Tibia and Fibula, broken feet, hands and wrists.  Without his care, focusing on healing the bones, muscles and scar tissue, I would still be bed-ridden to this day, however because of him...I am walking and riding again, able to enjoy life almost pain free.  If you are suffering from any form of injury, I highly recommend you call him.
Jennifer Shubow
No More Carpal Tunnel Symptoms I wanted to share a recent experience I had working with Mark Rebner. Both my husband and I have enjoyed his relaxing massage therapy, and have had him to our home several times in the past. This past fall I started experiencing the early symptoms of what I believed to be carpal tunnel syndrome in my right hand and wrist. I had weakness in my hand and wrist, shooting pains up my arm, tingling and numbness in my hand. It had gotten to the point that when my symptoms flared up it was difficult for me to grip and hold things in my right hand. I had been experiencing my symptoms for a few months, and had not done anything about it yet. It was starting to really bother me, so I was so glad that I had a regular massage session scheduled with Mark coming up soon. During the massage I let him know the symptoms I had been experiencing. He did work on my arm and hand during this massage, but he also recommended a follow up session where he could focus primarily on my trouble spots. So, about 10 days after my first appointment I returned for a massage therapy and energy work session focused on my right arm and hand. Mark spent the entire hour working on my right arm and hand, and did deep tissue work in my armpit (which was a bit uncomfortable but really worked!). Since that visit more than 3 months ago I have had NO MORE SYMPTOMS. I have had no pain, no numbness or tingling, and no weakness in my right hand and wrist. Mark is an amazing healer, he was able to eliminate my pain and other symptoms in 2 massage therapy sessions. He has an intuitive touch and I would highly recommend him.
Tonya Acha
Mark is Amazing! I have been receiving massage/energy work from Mark for several years and don't know how my life would be without his services. I don't manage my stress levels well and am notorious for pushing the limits with pain and discomfort.. to the point that at times sleeping does not come easily. After a session with Mark my stress levels are lower, I feel significantly more physically comfortable, I am full of positive energy AND Best of all I sleep extremely well. at night. I recommend Mark to anyone who suffers from stress, poor sleeping habits or any kind of discomfort. His work is truly amazing!
Jacqueline D
Highly Recommend Mark with Real Energy & Body Works, LLC I contacted Mark because I was having trouble sleeping at night due to my back and neck always hurting because I spend approx. 12 hours a day in front of a computer. Mark took the time to sit down with me and find out my history and thoroughly explain to me about some of the different services that he offers such as Therapeutic Message and Energy Healing. Mark also took the time to make sure that I was comfortable in every way. I tell you when he got done with me I slept like a baby that night! I have another appointment set up for next month and I cannot wait! Mark also has monthly Meditation sessions that I am also going to try out too.
Becky M
Pain No More For many months I suffered through shoulder pain. When I went to open the door, my shoulder ached. When I awoke in the mornings, my shoulder ached. The pain never lessened. I made an appointment with an orthopedic doctor whom took xrays and an MRI. Although there was nothing serious, the doctor did mention an impingement. He put me on medication to help but I chose to not take the medicine. I had the option of surgery to clean up the tissue but decided to try and have Mark Rebner of Real Energy and Body Works massage out the shoulder. It couldn't hurt and at least I was getting a full body massage in the process. The massage was a deep tissue massage and much time was spent on my pained shoulder. The massage was very relaxing and I went home. For about a week, my shoulder still hurt however the sharpness of the pain was not as strong. Within two weeks the pain was completely gone. I never had to take medicine and I never had to have surgery. I am a firm believer than massage therapy can clean out the problem areas in our body. So now when I feel pain in my knees or shoulders I will call and make an appointment with Real Energy and Body Works instead of making an appointment with a Dr.
Esoteric Healing

I slept really well last night, like all the way through the night, which is a rarity for me.. I also felt clearer yesterday:)

Thank you again!  Lynn 

Joan Baldiga
Cancer Treatment & Upper Respiratory Infections

I was recovering from cancer treatment when Mark first started treating me. My body had been traumatized by the effects of chemotherapy and many hours of surgery. The first time that Mark worked on me, he commented that my muscles were so tense that they felt “like bone.” I was not merely ill at ease, but living in constant fear that my body would betray me with a cancer recurrence or the development of another cancer. I was also dealing with a lot of anger and resentment. I needed to find a way to feel safe, comfortable, and at peace in my own body again. Mark was just the person who could help me. His expert knowledge of the systems of the body enabled him to understand what I had been through and how to use his skills to bring me back to a place of well being. It was a gradual process that was often physically, emotionally & spiritually intense, but very worthwhile. I always walked out of my sessions feeling stronger, healthier and more relaxed. While I was in Mark’s care, I underwent reconstructive surgery. The work that he had done and continued to do helped me to recover much more quickly and more fully than I had with previous surgeries. I was not the only one who was traumatized by my cancer diagnosis and treatment. The effects that I suffered had an impact on my entire family.  My youngest child was just 2-1/2 years old and still learning how to talk.  During my treatment and recovery period, he developed a severe stutter.  It was clearly stress related.  He became so frustrated that he would no longer attempt to speak.  At the same time, he developed chronic ear and sinus infections.  I brought him to Mark.  With just one session, my child’s infection cleared up and his stutter disappeared.  His infections did subsequently return, but with increasingly less severity and frequency.  Additional sessions with Mark always proved successful.  His stutter, however, was gone for good.  His speech and health are now excellent.

Jenny Dumont
Menstrual Cramps

During a conference that Mark & I were attending, I was having the worst menstrual cramps.  They were so bad I felt like I was going to pass out from the pain.  I just wanted to lay down and curl into a ball!  I asked Mark if he could help me somehow.  I thought it would be through massage or something.  I had never had the opportunity to have Mark work on me for anything before because of distance, but I was so glad he was there with me that day.  Mark agreed to try something during the break.  I had no idea what to expect, but Mark made me feel completely comfortable and used techniques on me that I had never experienced.  I think he only really touched my body for a few minutes throughout the 45 minute or so session.  I was completely amazed as I could feel the pain and tightness releasing and then it was all gone! The cramps never came back and I felt better than I did before they started! I am definitely going to make the trip to see him again and take my special needs daughter to see him too!  Thank you so much Mark!

Jessica F.
Working with Infants

Watching Mark work with my newborn daughter was incredible! Before he even began working, he respectfully introduced himself and his energy.  I watched her melt as he gently moved his hands around her, at times not even touching her body.  She had been uptight and fidgety, until Mark worked with her.  Then she literally unwound, her tiny body slowly moving in the air.  It was apparent to both me and my husband that she was releasing some of the kinks that had naturally occurred during childbirth.  And when Mark sensed that she was done with the work, he immediately gave her to me.  He honored what she needed, and simply ended the session.  It was such a gentle experience, and yet the benefits were obvious to all of us!  She slept more soundly and breathed more deeply than she had ever done.  Her face and abdomen both relaxed, revealing the peace she was experiencing.  When she is fussy, even a few minutes of Mark working on her feet calms her immediately.  She opens up to receive the guidance of his healing work, and is clearly happy to have such an opportunity to regain balance.

Diana Kathryn Plopa
Energy Healing Aids Heart-Healthy Life I visited Mark because I was experiencing stress-induced cardiac issues. My doctor said that the quick heartbeats and overwhelming chest pressure were a direct result of not finding a way to be mindfully calm on a regular basis. She said that if I couldn't find a way to control my stress, it could lead to cardiac arrest. I was told that she could prescribe medication to control the episodes, but I was wary of the side effects. When I discovered that Mark performed energy healing work, I was willing to give it a try. Most important to me was to eliminate my cardiac stresses in a soothing way, without pain and without drugs. Mark and I had a long talk before he began his work, and he learned more about how I hold my energy and the stress triggers in my life. I was impressed with his interest in learning about the "whole me" rather than simply attacking whatever symptom I was complaining about at that moment. And because of this genuine interest in all of me, I felt safe in his care. When first walking into Mark's studio, I was greeted with the calm, warmth of the room. Once on his table, I instantly felt comfortable and at ease. Mark quickly identified the energy that was poisoning my system, and asked permission to clear it. As Mark worked on the energy centers, I was able to feel first, the physical discomfort of the pent-up energy, and then an emotional clearing and calmness. When Mark released the negative energy, there was a very palpable physical sensation; it was a physical and emotional unity unlike any I had felt since the birth of my son nearly twenty years ago. Although, yes, Mark's muscle and deep tissue massage work is clearly a healing for me; more helpful, I believe, is the energy work he does to release the emotional toxins that are affecting my body, and most especially, my heart. Each time I work with Mark, I notice a dramatic decrease in cardiac episodes and an energetic calmness that stays with me long afterward.
Highly Professional My wife and I have both used Real Energy & Body Works for a couple years now and we couldn't be happier with the services. Mark's professionalism, immense knowledge of his craft and ability to recognize and easily resolve areas of need is uncanny. I will continue to use Mark's services and recommend him to anyone I know.
Energy Healing Mark's hands are organs of perception that exceed the sense of touch; they perceive wholly, as if they were seeing, hearing, and speaking with the other person in direct communication. Mark's hands breathe and pulse, in a way that is most attentive, watchful, and without any sense of expectation. He waits for the impulse to move, rather than simply going through a prescribed set of motions. His hands seem at times to hold fire, as he cultivates a deep and calming heat, but they also embody other elemental qualities, with fluidity, weight, and quiet. Mark is a wonderful body/ energy practitioner who incorporates many methods into his approach. I believe he values intuition and inspiration as tools upon which to call, as well as methods/ techniques that are more documented and learned. I would recommend him to anyone seeking this kind of healing. --Holly
Katrina W
No longer sleepless nights... For years I have had a problem sleeping. Any little thing would wake me up and my depth of sleep was really light. My mind just wouldn't ever turn off! I was referred to Mark via my chiropractor for energy work. During my session, I wasn't sure if my 'aura' was changing. I did know, however, it felt good. I hold a lot of tension in my shoulders and Mark did a great deal of work to help release it. It's been over 2 weeks since my initial session. I kid you not- I have had the best sleep of my life. I can fall asleep and stay sleeping throughout the night - it's remarkable! I think back to the session I had with Mark and I am so happy I made that appointment. Thanks, Mark for giving me rest-full nights back!
Bill U
Sciatic relief Mark, thank you for your talent and experience to assist me with my sciatica challenges. All clients can expect a plan to return to a healthier life if they follow your plan.
Mary Vallei, Certified Hypnotherapist
Testimonial for Mark Rebner Mark treated many of my Hypnotherapy clients. His work truly enhanced the client's ability to relax and be open to needed physical or psychological changes. He also worked with me and my husband. Both of us experienced an increase in peace of mind and in physical relaxation. I will continue to give my clients Mark's number. Furthermore, I and my family will continue to avail ourselves of Mark's considerable expertise.
The art and science of healing Mark has provided care for a variety of conditions for each of my family members. From chronic knee pain that was considered surgical, to autoimmune conditions, sinus and ear infections and sports injuries, Mark has used his skill and talent to promote healing and avoid surgery and long term pain meds. I would recommend Mark as a first step and as an ongoing provider. He is so good at what he does!
Chris K.
Better result than I could have hoped for Honestly, I didn't "believe" in Eastern medicine or holistic mumbo jumbo. I banged up my hip one day and had a hell of a time getting around with a constant dull pain. Bumped into Mark next day and expressed my problem. Got adjusted and problem solved immediately. Better result than I could have hoped for. Kudos!
The Best! I've been going to see Mark for about 5 years and always leave feeling 100% better than when I walked in! I was born with a dislocated hip and have had pain since I was a younger person. I tried many Doctors, Chiropractors and other massage place all to no avail. Mark uses many different methods and always seems to know what to do help alleviate any pain I'm having. He's very skilled and knowledgeable in his field. I recommend him to all my family and friends!
Slept Like a Rock!

I have good news to report.  I slept like a rock last night!!  When my alarm rang, I was still so exhausted that I skipped my workout in favor of more sleep.  This is fantastic!!!  Not that I want to stop working out permanently…. But the fact that I could actually go back to sleep was pretty fantastic for me. Thank you!!!  In addition, I’ve been thinking a lot about what you said about relationships, and particularly the relationship with myself.  I have some things to work on there, some better habits to develop for 2015, including meditation.  Thanks for this insight.   

Karen Webb
THE BEST EVER Mark is a gifted energy and body worker, with deep experience in several modalities which has helped me heal and grow. He is genuine and comes from his heart, honoring each person and their situation. I think everyone would benefit from Mark's services.
Chris D
Very Professional and Worthwhile! Even if you don't fully understand the nature of 'energy work' and/or healing, Mark is a true professional who is exceptionally good at what he does!
Chuck Keys
What an outstanding experience .... Mark Rebner has the hands of a giant with the touch of a puppy - so gentle soothing. My shoulders were aching for months - until I had my first massage. I am one of Mark's regular clients and will continue. Writing this review reminds me to schedule another massage.
Lisa C.
Relaxation & Stress Relief

I can't thank you enough for seeing me today. I haven’t felt this relaxed in quite some time! I really appreciate how comfortable you made me feel and how "right on" you were with the things I was experiencing. I really felt that you took the time to listen to what my body needed and responded to it. I have never had a massage where it felt so "customized" to me and who I am

full body massage Mark is a very educated, talented masseuse. I heartily recommend him.
A healer! Mark offers healing to each individual based on their needs and offers many healing modalities. He is awesome at his work and he will surely meet your expectations if not exceed them all togther!!
Low Back Pain & Pregnancy

I made an appointment with Mark because my low back was in a lot of pain and I wanted a relaxing massage.  During the session, Mark asked me if it was ok if he did some energy work in that area of my body (he referred to it as my 2nd chakra).  He said that it felt as though my right Fallopian tube was very blocked energetically and he asked my permission to try and clear the block.  I have to say, Mark's hands felt like they were on fire as he worked with me.  Apparently the block had been cleared.   At the end of the session, my low back was pain free, and I could not tell a difference in my right fallopian tube.  However, what I can tell you (and Mark did not know this) is that my husband and I had been trying to get pregnant for the past 2 years and 1 month later, I was pregnant!

Aly D.
Sinus Issues

During one of my sessions with Mark I let him know how my sinuses had been bothering me for a few days.  Relaxing during the session became difficult because I was having a hard time breathing through my nose.  I mentioned it to Mark and he told me that he could offer some relief by doing some "mouth work".  After asking permission to do so, he set to work.  He didn't just work on the outside of my face, but also on the inside of my upper lip next to my teeth.  I couldn't believe how instantaneous the relief was!  It took him 3-5 minutes and I could comfortably breathe through my nose for the remainder of the session.  That was it for the sinus issue, too!

Mary L.
Low Back Pain & Headaches

Hey Mark, I haven’t gotten a chance to thank you for the massage when I last came. My lower back has actually been feeling better...and the headaches have subsided quite a bit.  I'm heading into Michigan next Sunday, so maybe I could set another appt with you then.

Lori M.
Energy Blocks:

After a recent, mentally and energetically demanding two months, my body and mind felt turned inside out.  My cognition was slow, I was cloudy-headed and I felt disconnected form the world around me.  I felt blocked on every level and I needed something to remove the blocks.  I’ve had a lot of energy work done, and my intuition told me this was once again the answer.  I saw Mark for only one visit, and over the course of the next few days I felt measurably better – my energy was back to normal, mental and physical blocks were gone, and I was able to concentrate and focus again.  Mark is skilled in several healing techniques, and at the beginning of our session I asked him to go ahead and utilize whatever techniques felt right to him.  By the end of the session Mark’s hands had intuitively gone to every part of my body that felt blocked.  In addition, during the session Mark asked me questions and gave me suggestions to have my mind and own intuition work in parallel with him for maximum healing.  I’ve seen several energy workers, and Mark is among the best.  I highly recommend him!

Cindy Komet
Energy & Well Being

I made an appointment to have a Reiki treatment by Mark, but I received so much more!  Mark's energy was apparent on so many levels.  He was genuinely concerned with my well-being and generously shared his positive attitude, his knowledge and his skills with me.  I arrived at our first session with many questions and uncertainties and I left with so many answers.  He empowered my energy to spark and get me going in the right direction.  Mark works with the energy that flows from his heart. He is intuitive, empathic and he enables your energy to work for you.

Kalli F.
Energy Balancing & Pregnancy

Mark works in a way that I have never experienced before.  He has so many different modalities in his tool box, and seems to choose a different tool every time I work with him!  He cues into my energetic field, and discerns blocks of energy that I feel, yet often do not have the words to explain.  Those areas of resistance are identified, and then he gently nudges them to break free.  He provides the catalyst to release the block, if I am willing.  And if I am not ready, he holds no judgment.  There are many ways in which Mark has offered to help me find more balance, including as a Type 1 diabetic, but my own resistance has kept me from joining the ride.  The fact that Mark offers his assistance, but honors my own choice, is incredibly important to me.

His work has affected me in many different arenas. When I was pregnant, Mark's work helped me feel more grounded in a body that was changing every day.  My body needed to find a more open energetic, so that it could physically open as well.  Mark helped me find the places in my body that I was holding energy, creating pain rather than allowing energy to move. I was then able to move more comfortably, and find a deeper connection to the ‘Little One’ growing inside me.  After a session with Mark, I feel a renewed connection to my sense of self.  My energy moves with greater ease, which allows me to meet life with more of my best self stepping forward.

Ann Lang
Elder Care:

For the last four months I have had the pleasure of being acquainted with Mark Rebner and have found him to be not only professional but a very personable and extremely caring individual.  You see, my mother is a hospice patient and I hired Mark to give her a massage every other week as a supplement to her receiving massages from a hospice volunteer.   He goes to the home and I will say that every caregiver on duty when Mark has been there has commented to me about what a wonderful massage he gives my mother.  My mother isn’t capable of communicating with others, however, when Mark talks to her she smiles, has nodded yes to his questions,  was able to repeat three words to a caregiver (she hasn’t talked in years) and I really believe Mark is able to make a connection with her.  On his visits, he creates a soothing atmosphere and plays wonderful relaxing music which seems to benefit the other five ladies that live there as well.  I can say that there has been a definite increase in my mother’s comfort level and presence and I attribute this to Mark’s knowledge and compassion.  It is without reservation that I highly recommend Mark Rebner as he would be a wonderful asset to any company or individual who uses his service.

Attitude Shift

Hello Mark, I just wanted to Thank You for yesterday! I'm feeling so much better today. I wish I could bottle you up and keep you in my purse for those days when I get in my moods! Nothing has really changed just my perspective!  Your the best!!!

Esoteric Healing Class

I wanted to express my gratitude for an information packed class. It is something I've needed as I venture into my new energy healing journey.  I also wanted to tell you that the guided meditation you took us through really affected me in the moment. I believe that is why I couldn't focus on a negative thought... even though I was thinking about something unpleasant, I felt protected and almost as if the angry person I was visualizing was yelling at me from inside a bubble.  I didn't realize it at that very time, but I believe the meditation  made me euphoric in addition to relaxed... I could feel it slowly   dissipate as we continued the class.


First I have to say WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am so sure that massage and healing really helped me to keep some peace as I faced many major traumatic events on Thursday and Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Grace and Peace to You

Julie Ritten
Neck Stiffness

I was suffering from a stiff neck for over a week... after one hour with Mark, not only was my stiffness gone, I had a renewed sense of clarity and energy.

I highly recommend Mark for whatever ails you or just to give yourself a treat.  You may not realize how much better you can feel until you are under Mark's touch.

Mark will rub you the right way!

Susan S.

I have been a client of Mark Rebner's for many years. Whenever my daughter, who is now 10, also needed some healing work, I immediately brought her to him. He does wonderful work with children, and helps them to feel safe and relaxed during a session.

Mark has a wide range of healing experience and training. Though I have primarily gone to him for deep tissue work, I find that the whole quality of his healing goes way beyond the manipulation and soothing of muscle aches and pains.  The modalities he uses are just a piece of the healing journey which involves heart, mind, body, spirit and soul. Even after some intense deep muscle work, he will direct my attention to notice other things that may be going on in my life. Not by specifically asking a question, but allowing the space to be open for me to acknowledge anything that might appear in my own consciousness.

I am also of the healing arts for over twenty years, using many modalities of massage, energy work, and emotional release techniques. So when I need some healing facilitation, I go to see Mark, because I trust him and he gives each session his complete attention. He has a genuine interest and compassion for what is going on with me, and the healing is not only at a muscular level, but during the energy work, I always feel safe and protected.

Mark is the first on my list of referrals!

Beth Hoxie

My work with you has gone far beyond the simple massage.  Each time you have worked on me I have learned another piece of who I am and how my body holds the emotions and issues, the "patterns of expectations" that do not serve me.  Through your help, I am becoming less afraid and more willing to look at my defenses.

I sense I have fully entered the door of this process and anticipate a forward motion through it.  I appreciate your reflections of where I could be "stuck" in mental thinking habits, preventing me from being in touch with my spirit.  This is exciting work and although there are fears, I know it has captured my interest, meaning it is what I am ready for.


Thank you!

Roxana J.
Feeling Better

Hey Mark, Thanks very much for the massage. I feel much better every day that passes by, your hands certainly do magic.

Feeling Better

In my appointment with Mark Rebner, I thought I was just getting a typical massage.  Having had others, I knew what to expect, when done, I leave & go on about my day.  But, wow!!  What a surprise & treat my body was in for!  During and after my appointment with Mark Rebner, my entire body was buzzing with positive energy.  And not just for a few minutes or hours but for the next 2 days!  The massage I thought I was getting turned out to be an awesome energy healing.  In aiding to remove the blocks I was experiencing, it allowed me to feel more in tune with all aspects of my being; leaving me feeling stronger in my connections between my mental, physical, & spiritual self.  I highly recommend Mark Rebner for his wonderful energy healing attributes.

Gigi C.
Dr Kirsch was impressed

Dr Kirsch was impressed with my improvement after the work you did. He suggested I see you before I see him again.

Catherine Siebert
Capturing the day and changing lives! Mark is great! I go to him for massage and what he calls "Reb's Special Blend" with adds in craniosacral therapy and energy healing. I have a few sensitive areas that are never an issue when working with Mark. I always walk away feeling refreshed! I highly recommend him.
Ken S.
Aches & Pain

I've been in the painting business for over 32 years and have developed carpal tunnel syndrome plus other issues with my shoulders, neck ect. About 7 years ago I started seeing different massage therapists and was not really happy or comfortable with the service and/or massages I would receive. One year ago I went to Mark for a massage and was very impressed with his professionlism. Moreover his knowledge of the human body, how it responds to everyday stress and how he can help reverse those effects has made me a client for life! I would refer anyone looking for a massage to him. Thanks keeping me on the job Mark! Ken S. 

David Lingholm
Social Media Specialist As a person who has trouble relaxing, I can honestly say that Mark has an amazing ability to create a calming atmosphere that makes it easy for the most intense people to relax. Mark's calming personality is one of his strongest traits and one that serves him well as a masseur.
Patrice Fields
Energy Engineer at Hawks & Associates, Inc
Mark is at the top of my list for healing massage therapy. He tunes into the needs of my body and applies several techniques to release the stresses. Mark is attentive to my sensitivity to pressure and is effective. He is a kind, caring, and creates a tranquil environment.
Gregg Fortune
Managing Director, Cedar Brook Financial Partners, LLC Mark is extremely talented in many areas of massage therapy. Numerous times he has solved any pain, stress, tightness, numbness etc that I was experiencing. He is very personable and he is somebody you can trust also.
John Terrell
President at Burly Guys Junk Removal LLC Mark is a multi-modal energy worker who seems to have an intuitive sense of what each particular person's needs are, even without being told. I went to see Mark for a minor condition for which I was hoping for some relief, which I got. But in addition, I left with an overall sense of well-being and peace, and the feeling that I had been heard and listened to. Mark's professionalism is evident from beginning to end, and I heartily endorse his services.
David Haugk
President, Haugk & Associates Insurance Agency My wife and I have both have had a massage from Mark and both experiences were fantastic. I would not think twice about utilizing Mark's services again. He is a true master of his craft!
Mark Wolak
I have used Mark on a number of occasions for massage and body work, very skillfull and was able to get to the root cause of the issue.
Michelle Paquette, CPC
Executive Recruiter, Officer at Talmer Bank and Trust, a subsidary of Chemical Bank
Mark has a true talent in Energy Work and Massage Therapy. I have received from Mark on several occasions, and always with positive results. 
It's a Great feeling when you can relieve pain without medication, and Mark has the ability to do that. He is relentless in finding new ways to relieve stress and pain in the body. 
I am never disappointed!
Drew Maltese
President, DJ Maltese Construction Corporation
Need Energy work and a great cranial-sacral massage, GO SEE MARK! He can help heal you!

Billie Jo Delfin
Owner| All Natural Bites| Healthy Snacks in the Workplace I recommend Mark Rebner to any individual suffering from body aches and pains, stress. tension relief and relaxation. There are many more avenues that goes along with his expertise. He focuses on energy work and cranial sacral therapy! One session with Mark and you will feel great! He is very knoweldgeable and loves what he does. One session with him and he will be your therapist for a lifetime!!
Paul Belleau
Communications Specialist/Writer at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Mark is a terrific massage therapist. He's successfully helped me work out several serious muscle problems. He makes you feel relaxed in both mind and body. I highly recommend you use his services.
Sandra Stacey
Interiors Consultant/Designer I used Mark when I had some deep muscle stress, He was available at the last minute, he fit me in and did a very good job helping my situation. Mark is reliable and very professional. I would use him again.
Alita Marlowe Bluford M.S.
Human Resources Management Consultant Mark is tops in his field. He continues to update his knowledge and grow professionaly and personally. After my massage is complete, the rocks that I carry around on my neck are gone! Great work!
Laura Malczewski
Business Development Black White + Color, Inc. Wonderful experience. Mark explained the various massage techniques that he uses and we picked the one that seemed to fit my specific needs. I was a little apprehensive, having had a massage several years ago that left me sore, but by the end of the hour the kinks were gone, I was extremely relaxed, and the effects lasted for several days thereafter! Thanks Mark!
Andi Sklar
Independent Distributor Young Living Essential Oils Mark is very professional. He makes you feel very comfortable. The massage helped to relieve my stress and neck pain. I plan on using his services again and recommending him to my friends.
Kevin Weburg
Assistant Operations Conroller I have known Mark for many years and have always valued the work Mark has done for me and my family. Mark has always taken the time to make sure he knows what is happening that may be causing my issues and works in a very professional manner in addressing and correcting those issues. As far as I am concerned, there is nobody better.
Pamela Sarver
Market Analyst at Rassini Mark is an expert at what he does and I won't go to anyone but him.
Christine Schinker
Owner, That Girl-Concierge, Personal Assistance, Tasks & Errand Service Mark was very creative with a situation I had with some headaches....he integrated Massage, Reiki, and Cranial Sacral Therapy into my one visit and the results were amazing! The headaches have not returned and I believe it is due in large part to the work that Mark performed. Mark is a gifted energy worker that I would recommend to everyone! I will be back for more enegy work soon and look forward to more healing from Mark!
Frank Garfield
Co-Owner at Clinical Hypnosis Institute Mark is extremely knowledgeable and thorough with his body/energy work. He has treated me and I highly recommend him.
Candi White
A better alternative Mark is wonderful. I know when I leave, I have had a good service and I will feel great for awhile! This is definitely a better alternative to drugs for chronic back pain.